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Flash Message

Flash messages alert the user when things happen, this may be to confirm that something has occurred successfully, like saving a document, or when something goes wrong. Flash messages may also highlight problems with the system that the user may need to know about, like a loss of network connectivity which is preventing auto-save.


You will need the FlashMessageComponent to be included in your browserify configuration.

Depending on your setup, this will probably need to be in be in a file called index.js or main.js.

var FlashMessageComponent = require('/path/to/pulsar/FlashMessageComponent');

module.exports = {
FlashMessageComponent: FlashMessageComponent
var $html = $('html');

pulsar.flash = new pulsar.FlashMessageComponent($html);

$(function () {
Example usage


Your main view should have a container with the classes of flash-container js-flash-container. Any flash messages you choose to generate on page load should be placed here, and any that you subsequently create through the JS methods will also be placed here.

This is a success message

Helper options

You can configure this helper using the common helper options, the following options are specific to this helper.

dismissableboolIf false, will hide the dismiss (x) button (default: true)
messagestringThe text ti display, can contain HTML/Twig
typestringThe style of message to display: success, warning, error, info


The icon for a flash message is automatically chosen based on the flash message time and can’t be overridden.

Remove dismiss button

If you want to disable the ability to close a flash message (useful when you have flash messages in modals, for example), use the dismissable option.

This flash cannot be dismissed

'message': 'This flash cannot be dismissed',
'type': 'error',
'dismissable': false

Triggering with JavaScript

You can throw flash messages with JS, and like the Twig helper your styles and icons will be defined automatically.

pulsar.flash.success('Something great happened!');
pulsar.flash.error('Oh no! Something bad happened');
pulsar.flash.warning('Something kinda bad happened, but it’s not
critical...');'Something interesting happened that we need to tell
you about');