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No results

When an interface needs to list items you should provide a helpful fallback message for when no results are found. If the user has the relevant permissions to create or add one of these items, you should provide a call to action to help them along their way.

No result messages have subtle, unique styling to differentiate them from regular content.

Basic message

A generic component to use wherever suitable, can be used within an empty tab if no content is available but the tab still needs to be displayed for navigation purposes.

There are currently no [things] to display

New [Thing]

Empty tables

You should still display the column titles in the table header, this helps to inform the user about what kind of data is normally present in the table.

Using no-results with DataTables

If you’re using datatables instead of plain HTML tables you simply need to have a table with no rows in the body and this message will be displayed automatically. Check the datatable documentation for more information on how to customise this message.


There are currently no [things] to display

New [Thing]